Kenzie Mahoskey
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Spotify UX & UI



UX/UI Designer & Researcher

The Project: Redesign the near future user experience of an existing digital product.

The Problem: Spotify’s current interface doesn’t allow users to easily connect with one another or
discover other listeners with a similar taste in music.

The Solution: Connect users to create a sense of community and discovery through AR.

Originally we focused on improving both Spotify’s music streaming service and their podcast service. To help give us more of a solid direction we created surveys for both services. Upon receiving the survey results we determined that the majority of people don’t use the podcast feature as much as the music feature. Also, considering the brief required this redesign to be forward-thinking, we determined podcasts may decline in popularity and wouldn’t allow us to be as forward-thinking as possible.


Sketches & Prototypes:

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Once you open the AR feature, the pop up icons like the one to the left will appear above the user’s head. These icons show the user’s profile photo, the song they are currently listening to, and a percentage that shows how similar your music tastes are.

Miniature Profile:
The miniature profile is similar to the profile icon but gives a listener a little more insight into another user’s music taste. In addition to all of the elements the profile icon has, the mini profile features a follow button for quick connectivity, a list of that particular users top 3 most played artists, as well as a link to their full profile pages for even more exploration. 

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New Mobile Pages:

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On our new Discover page, we chose to use a toggle at the top of the screen to pack as much customization and connectivity into the page as we could. The left screen features the ‘Explore’ section of the ‘Discover’ page in which users can scroll through and receive recommendations for songs, artists, or playlists based on their location and the people they follow. To the right is the ‘Following’ section which acts as a feed so that users can see what the people they are following are playing, adding, and creating in real-time. In the ‘Follow’ section we have also included a button that pulls out a list of what your friends are currently listening to just in case you want to see what they are listening to but may not be close enough to utilize the AR feature.

New Visuals: