Kenzie Mahoskey


Basic Needs: A Kiosk for Unhoused Individuals

School Project
Co-Lead UX & UI Designer

Project: Through team collaboration, design an environmental interactive data visualization experience

Here is a quote from an unhoused individual taken from a study done on the homeless population in Ireland that we feel represents the problem we sought out to help solve:

The Current System
The current system is that many kitchens and shelters go on a first come first
serve basis. Unhoused individuals have to go early to wait to secure their meal or
bed. Shelters and kitchens generally have to be located along public transportation routes due to unhoused individuals either walking or taking public transportation services

The Problem
Unhoused individuals don’t have confidence that they’ll be able to meet basic needs like food and shelter on an everyday basis.

The User Journey

1. User has seen ad campaign or heard through word-of-mouth about kiosk/app and finds the nearest kiosk, clicks the join button on the welcome screen.

2. The join button then pulls up a map with locations of nearby certified social workers and times.

3. The user chooses a location and time.

4. If the location is close the user walks to meet.

5. The location is far, so the user requests a vehicle to drive them to the meeting.

6. Once at the meeting, the social worker will explain the benefits and resources the program + kiosk provides

7. The social worker will input basic information, scan their thumb and scan important documents.

8. The social worker will administer a drug test

9. Social worker tells the user to check any kiosk near them in 2 days to see if they passed.

10. If passed, the user can log in to the kiosk with their fingerprint and then has full access to the program

11. The user must visit a social worker monthly for updates and another drug test.


This research is from a survey given to the homeless population of Seattle in 2018

Prototype Sketches:

Screen Shot 2019-06-13 at 11.59.54 PM.png

Our Solution

Basic Needs will reduce stress and increase time efficiency for unhoused users by using a kiosk, app, and ride service that will be accessible, intuitive, and will empower the user to remotely reserve a bed, meal or to meet with an advisor.

Screen Shot 2019-06-12 at 10.26.39 PM.png

Kiosk Home Screen:

Basic Needs walk-through: