Kenzie Mahoskey

F5 App Visibility Click-thru Demo

App Visibility click-thru demo

Illustrator & Animator

For this project I worked along side the interaction designer on the F5 creative studio team to redesign an already existing click thru demo of one of F5’s products, the Big IQ Centralized Management tool. The demo was originally created using an outside resource and they wanted to redesign it in-house. Instead of using after affects to make gifs of the demo, we chose Ceros, an animation application that allows small subtle animations. We were provided screen shots and copy from the internal team.

I also Illustrated small visual stories for each section of the demo. For my illustrations I used inspiration from Getty images as well as photography images. The biggest challenge during this project was lining up all the screen shots so that the demo was clean and flawless. It took a lot of photoshop work as well as many attempts of realignment to get it to the final.

The Network Engineer Experience:


Isometric Illustrations: