Kenzie Mahoskey
Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 9.13.36 PM.png

F5 Organic Social


F5 Social Media

Last summer, F5 underwent a reorganization, leading to the integration of the social media design team into my current team. Consequently, I assumed responsibility for its management with support from my colleagues. My role involves crafting illustrations and storyboards tailored for Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Recently, the motion designer and I finalized a new social media template, now in the process of implementation across our channels. This template marks a shift from a diverse color palette to a concise six-color scheme, with black backgrounds for all social posts. Additionally, we've eliminated right-margin text and introduced a ghosted logo as a security measure against design theft.

Animations were created by Jessica Eith, our motion designer at F5

Social media posts before our templates were updated